Boa tarde!
It has been such a good week! I loved it! It started out great on Monday with the P-day with President and Sister Bigelow! It was so much fun to learn with them how to eat better and exercise better and make goals with them! They´re such cool people. I´m so grateful for a mission President that cares about us spiritually and physically!
On Friday we were able to go back to Caruaru and have a conference with President and Sister Bigelow with just the Sisters in the zone! Once again, it was wonderful and I learned a ton. I´ve had some doubts and questions that I prayed would be answered in the conference and it ended up being about EXACTLY what I had prayed for. So that was pretty special for me. At one part, President Bigelow started talking to us about our pre-mortal existence, when we were able to live with God before this world. The things he taught us were SO amazing. We have such a divine nature. We studied a little bit in Doctrine and Covenants 138 with him and at the end it talks about how before we came to the Earth, we received lessons in heaven and learned about the Gospel. And so now on Earth, when we learn about the Gospel, we´re not learning new things, we just remembering things we´ve already learned :)
As we were driving home from Caruaru, I ended up sitting next to an older gentleman. I kept feeling the Spirit prompt me to talk to him, but I was honestly scared, because I didn´t know how he would react or if he would understand my Portuguese. But I finally just said a prayer and started talking to him and I´m SO glad I did. He was such a nice person and seriously talked to me the whole way home haha. That´s the thing with Brazilians-- If you start talking to them you never know if they´re going to stop haha. His name is João and he lives in a city 30 minutes from Arcoverde. I invited him to church thinking there was no way he would go because it was far away. But guess who was in church on Sunday! João! It was super cool :)
This Sunday was a HUGE blessing! We were able to have 9 people go to church with us!! I always forget which investigators I have talked about for you guys or not... Sorry if no one knows what people I´m talking about haha. But Samuel and Fernanda finally were able to go to church!! They have the super cute daughter that was in the hospital a couple weeks ago. Their neighbors, Zelia and Joaquim, were able to go for a second time this week and they LOVE the church! Zelia said that she´s never going to miss a Sunday haha. They both want to get baptized and so I´m really excited for that :) Our other investigator, Fatima went to church too! This Sunday was fast and testimony meeting and she bore her testimony! It was super cool though because in her testimony she said that she wants to become a part of the church! :)
Another huge blessing this week was that Gorete returned!! The last time we had visited her, she said that she didn´t want to be baptized and that she can´t go to church more because she´s working on Sundays. But, we were able to visit her again this week and turns out she´s been reading the Book of Mormon every day! She has a really hard, lonely life but she was able to recognize the difference the Book of Mormon and the church make in her life. And so she said that when her work ends on the 29th of September, she´s NEVER going to miss church again and that she wants to be baptized!
Honestly was a week of blessings and miracles!! I know that church is true and that this is the work of the Lord!
Love you all!!
Sister Anderson
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Sisters Zone Conference with President and Sister Bigelow |
Best Mission President!! |
Huge Grasshoppers! |
Okay. So right now in Arcoverde they´re having elections and so the city is going CRAZY. And the other night one of the people running for mayor had a party on our street and it was crazy hahaha. SO loud!!!