Hey guys!! It´s been an exciting week!
Like predicted, it´s pretty crazy having two Americans together... especially when your companion is blonde haired and blue eyed haha. But hey! More people are thinking that I´m Brazilian now because of the stereotype that in there´s always one Brazilian and one American in the companionship! So that´s cool! Haha
One of the funniest moments this week was on a day that it had rained A TON. We were walking on a street that literally had formed a mini lake right in the center. However, there was JUST enough space on the edge to walk around it. However, as we were walking by, a HUGE truck came passing through the lake and caused ocean-like waves to come towards us. WELL, despite our best efforts to run, we still got pretty wet haha. And during all of that craziness, there were a bunch of men on the other side of the road yelling at us, but we understood NOTHING they were saying haha. It almost felt like running on the ocean... but only with cement and with filthy water hahaha.
But goodness, Sister Taylor is teaching me so much about faith and how to act IN faith and not just WITH faith. At the beginning of the week, almost everyone we were teaching, including Silvania and Della, decided that they didn´t want anything anymore... That was rough. But with a lot of prayer and lots of work, we were able to find some great people again and really see God´s hand in our lives :)
We were able to know a sweet young woman named Gabriela this week. We started talking to her on the street and found out that she´s atheist. We started talking to her about the Book of Mormon and when we gave her one she started to cry and said that she felt something special! Later in the week as we were teaching her again, we invited her to pray and ask if God is real-- at first she was really hesitant. But then after a moment, she said that she felt a voice say "why not?" to her, and agreed to pray :) The Spirit is definitely working with her!
I´m so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that is so aware of our needs and the lessons we need to learn! Even though it´s hard sometimes, He lets us pass through difficulties because He knows that in the end we will be closer to Him!